Jul 18Liked by Tom Cox

Can't wait for 1983, and to see my name in the back!

Folks, if you haven't got them all and you have the wherewithal, just go out and buy 'em! And get the paid subscription too while you're at it. I got it half price about a year ago and will be happily renewing at the full whack.

And go buy some of Tom's mum's artworks too. I have no connection to Tom, I just love reading this stuff and want to carry on reading it; it's brought me such a lot of pleasure over the past few years.

Oh and more alpacas please and less golf...

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Thank you so much, Kate. Don’t worry - more alpacas are imminent!

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As someone once told David Baddiel’s mum, by graffiti-ing it on her car (surely that didn’t really happen?!), ‘Golf is crap.’

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As someone who only recently discovered you here, I’m happy you posted this book summary. Still torn on where to start as they all seem really good.

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Thanks Patricia! Hope you enjoy whatever you decide to begin with.

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I started with Villager and haven't looked back so may be try that one ... it's nothing like the stuff I usually read but I was sucked in so that's some good writing by my reckoning. To be honest, there was one chapter heavily laden with the music Tom likes and I run away from that I skim-read but that's OK. They are all good and quite unique.

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Yeah, that one hooked me for sure.

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Read all of Tom's books. Trust me, a random stranger on the internet; I have. You will still be thinking about things you read in them for weeks afterward.

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Thanks Claire! So kind of you.

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Jul 18Liked by Tom Cox

Speaking of self-promotional foghorns, will you be touring 1983? Readings,signings, coming to a bookshop near you etc?

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Hi Simon. I’ve just done a talk at Newark Book Festival and next week I’m speaking at WOMAD. After that I’m just doing a couple more, I think: Exeter Book Bag on publication day, then the lovely Scarthin Books in Derbyshire on August 17th.

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Your should do a World Tour. And bring your wonderfully talented parents.

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Jul 18Liked by Tom Cox

Dang! Nowhere near me then. I was hoping to be in the room for a live rendition of LOUD DAD 🤣. Anyway I’ll get on and preorder. Wishing you every success with it.

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Thank you! Maybe I'll go a bit further afield next year...

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It can be so hard to just ask for readers to support your work -- especially because you get the occasional jerk claiming you're a sellout for just, oh I don't know, trying to get paid for your craft. (Here's me, feeling somewhat burned by such an interaction just trying to announce a paid option for my Substack, whatever, moving on, not at all licking my wounds still...). But how else could it possibly work?? I just pre-ordered and can't wait to read it. Keep up the good work. You're talented and deserving. Also, I just love your cover designs.

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The cover of Ring the Hill makes me think of Watership Down, but less harrowing. Definitely not chick lit. For what it’s worth, I find it interesting to know how a writer sees their work, and where they see similarities, what they consider the best etc so I enjoyed this post.

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Jul 18Liked by Tom Cox

As an avid reader of anything I could get hold of since early childhood (books were my friends), I’m loving your work and promoting it to my friends and family here in the UK. As a Northerner (my DNA is 77% north-west England with some Scots, Irish, Welsh and Scandinavian mixed in) and a lover of history I can see and understand so many influences when it comes to living here and spotting them in your writing. Some bits remind me of Susannah Clarke. Keep going! Haters gonna hate. Ignore them 😉

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Thanks Julie. So nice of you to do this, and I’m flattered by that comparison.

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Far from being a sales pitch I found this post informative. I read The Good, The Bad and The Furry a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. I need to read more of your books. Thanks for the reminder 😁

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Thanks Regan!

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Jul 18Liked by Tom Cox

Good day from the Pacific Northwest. I’m an avid library user and have just requested that our county library system add your new book to their current collection of yours. Your Substack posts always touch my heart, especially your subversive nature photos, your parents’ remarkable art and your dad’s MANY IMPORTANT THOUGHTS. Thank you for being, Tom Cox.

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Reading 21st century yokel now and have Ring The Hill lined up. Did Help The Witch and Villager first and Notebook I devoured in one sitting so very much looking forward to 1983 and I very much appreciate your productivity. I think the most prominent points of the book marketing experts obits will be “failed to sign Tom Cox”.

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Thank you, Andreas. Too kind!

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Please don't feel bad about writing posts like this. It was hugely helpful for me, someone new to your writing. I was wondering which book to start with so I have ordered 21st Century Yokel - and added the rest to my birthday wish list. As an aside, the 'self-styled “book marketing expert”' obviously didn't know what there were talking about. The cover of Ring the Hill is gorgeous and apt.

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Thanks Gillian. Hope you enjoy Yokel!

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Thanks, Tom. I'm sure I will.

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Jul 18Liked by Tom Cox

Take no notice of book marketing experts. I love the illustration on the front cover of the book whose title means Hare. I also love the title. Will be ordering the eerie book to read first though as I'm into eerie tales.

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Thanks Georgina!

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Pre-ordered! I started with Help the Witch because I love spooky, eerie tales. I am now reading the Villager and relishing every page. I am very much looking forward to reading 1983 when it finally wends its way across the Channel.

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I am starting to get really curious about your books. Also, great cover illustrations. 👌

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Jul 23Liked by Tom Cox

You may hate these posts but I needed it. I don’t live in the UK but am a child of a colony and remember 1983 and the coal miners and the music and the rest. Subscribing and ordering. And, as an editor disillusioned with trad publishing, I’m thrilled to support Unbound, the most exciting thing to happen to paper in decades.

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Thanks Jessica!

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Jul 20Liked by Tom Cox

You can’t go wrong with “ playful and subversive”. Just ordered through Blackwell’s.

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Hurray! Cheers Dave.

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