Dear Tom, what a wonderful sad & funny point number one.

I am one of those people you sent your book for free. Was so excited to be in touch with you and then receive the gift about a month ago ! It looks very, very lovely. But you are right, I am sorry to admit to not having read it yet [albeit with good excuses you don't need to care about].

That said, am thinking you must know there is a Japanese word for acquiring books you will never read and stacking them up in the corner of your room - Tsundoku ?

Even though, I have indeed read most of the 10,000 books on my shelves since my teens - in addition to well over 100,000 peer-reviewed science articles [yes, not a typo] and transcripts of 11,179 science lectures and still had time to live a full life ... there is a limit to what is possible and so there are sadly still a handful of books in my possession I might not ever read.

Yet that doesn't make them less valuable. I love just seeing all my bookies there, for all the different reasons attached to them. Weird things, like knowing the author's intentions not just their content. The hopes I remember on starting and the gratitude of having the end. The beautiful whiteness of noise and warmth of paper and colour of spines. And of course, the titles, which are like little hyperlinks to a bunch of personal messages from God.

You did such an inspiring thing for me, sending that notebook. And if I do not read it, it still has a special place in my bookcase because every time I look at it, it reminds me there are still people in the world who believe in doing things like this, just because they love them, as much as I do .

Thankyou so much.

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Thank you Tom.

Oh I have named a puppy after you.

He is a Scotch Collie, fawn sable, and blue eyes.

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Not being an author, it seems to me those 10 basic rules make a lot of sense! From your writing it seems you put your heart and soul into your books, much like a parent gives to their child. Since I’m afraid of a plethora of things (writing a book from my heart would be one of them), I wondered, do you ever get nervous or scared sending that “child” out into the world?

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Good question. I hope Tom answers this one.

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Poor Jim. My heart goes out to him. Someone give him a cuddle. Quick. Before he developes a neuronet of victimhood.

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I loved this. Probably the only '10 BASIC BUT IMPORTANT RULES FOR BEING AN AUTHOR' list worth reading! I have a writing-related question in submission of your future Q&A post:

Many artists/writers/creatives swear by personal rituals developed over time to get into "the zone" in their creative practice. I suspect walking is one of yours, but do you buy into this, and if so, what are your rituals? Or, to look at it from a different angle, if I were a moth who strategically placed myself near your desk but out of cats' reach on your wall, what would I see on any given day that you're writing a book?

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To be a moth and not a fly is truly beautiful.

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I laughed out loud at #4. And this . . . "Don’t let people whose job it is to think about the numbers that books sell influence your artistic decisions"--very good reminder. I needed that after hearing 100+ times how hard a sell nonfiction is. 🙄

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Dear Tom, you sent me a free copy of one of your books. I read it. I enjoyed it very much. I also enjoy your Substack posts. Also very much. Your well-ordered lines of words on white spaces have brought images to my mind of places and people in full color with lots of wrinkles, feathers, fur, wet paint, and moss. Thank you.

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I love hares, and your mums linocut is beautiful. So my question is - what percentage of your time do you spend writing the books versus promoting them? I’m interested because I hope to one day have some finished books to promote. I’ve pre-ordered your new book on Unbound - is that a platform you’d recommend for beginners? Sorry, that was two questions - take your pick 💚

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Absolutely delighted to have discovered you, Tom. Your Substack posts are always informative or highly entertaining. Following you wherever I can find you. Ordering your books to add to the tbr pile.

Have a wonderful day.

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Thanks Alexandra. You too, and I hope you enjoy them!

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That subscription deal sounds like a bargain, Tom! I’m in! My profuse apologies for living on the other side of the world.

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Thanks Steve. I’ll drop you an email when I get notification of your subscription.

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I have a question! It's actually one I've had for ages. What do you mean when you call your work psychedelic? I love your writing, which feels grounded to me, especially in the natural world, even when it's being the most inventive. When I hear “psychedelic” in aesthetic contexts I visualize garish colors and a kind of swirly groundlessness and disconnection. Don't know if that's a geographic difference or an age one, or just cluelessness on my part, but what I hear with the word is so different from the books I've read so far, and different too from this lovely, calm bookmark!

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Sep 25Liked by Tom Cox

I appreciate your rules, therefore I am moved to tell you that I am reading “Help the Witch” and enjoying it very much.

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Great to hear, Judy! Thanks!

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Agree with the chair thing. I have one that cost about £800 ten years ago. It has micro movement and I never get backache. Even so, it’s good practice to move every hour. So my question is… assuming you have some kind of routine to your week (and you might very well not have) but nevertheless, when you’re in writing mode, how many hours a day would you normally sit to write? And a supplementary… what chair do you sit on?

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Thoroughly enjoyed this. Thank you ☺️

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Thanks Rachael!

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The Basic Rules are so kind of you to share, and for me, not at all basic in the sense of the youth of 2024 (basic=meh).

Question #1.

Do you think it is possible to sort out the push and pull of giving into the tendency to collapse in the gravity of one’s bed while writing or do you make a decision and or commitment to specifically write at a certain place and time?

Question #2.Am I on the rabbit print list? and if so thank you and if not you are generous to offer; the rabbit in your Mums heart, I gather, may be quite proud.

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Hi Tom, I’m a new subscriber. Thank you (already!) for your ten basic but important rules. Very helpful. Looking forward to reading more.

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