I'm already a paying subscriber, and I have all your books except 1983 (which is on my to-buy list) and Everything Will Swallow You (which I'm anxiously awaiting). However, there is one more thing I can - and will - do, which is to tuck my extra copies of Villager and Notebook into two of the "little free libraries" in my small town of Ipswich, MA. I think I will inscribe them with messages to future readers ... something enticing and a bit mysterious - an invitation into another world. I wonder where the books will end up. I wish I could follow them. I will make sure to mention your Substack to these as yet unidentified readers so that they might come and join the delightful community you've created here. xo

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I love that you're doing this, Jamie. Thank you.

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Oh dear God, is this an immigrant snacking on a cat?!

(This is meant to be a joke. Please don't take offense. My country has lost its fucking mind and I'm trying to cope.)

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No offence taken. This made me laugh even harder as I had just been watching the debate. (Tasted great btw.)

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That is the best answer! Hahahaha!

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And it’s worth pausing to reflect that if Tom were the size of the cat, and the cat were the size of Tom - then Tom would most definitely be the snack….with some friends, size does matter….

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Coping is hard. That debate sort of stressed me out because I knew Harris would have been criticized endlessly had she made one tiny error, while TFG would not. I was knitting during the debate and I suspect my gauge got much tighter when TFG was talking.

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Cox

So, so good, Tom. You have such a wonderfully unique mind, and it's very heartening to be invited inside. Keep going, there are many, many people on the planet who wish you well and look forward to every post, every book. The nut that is the publishing world will crack open at some point, when you least expect it, and previous naysayers will utter "where have you BEEN??"

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Celebrate your victories! I haven’t prioritized my Substack, because I’m barely treading water in my own schedule, but it makes me so happy to see someone whose writing and photos I love succeed. Make your own way. Be successful enough to keep doing what you love. Tell us about it so we can celebrate with you. Sometimes the algorithm floods my feed with everyone else’s successes and the not-best side of me resents it, but that passes and then I’m excited and encouraged by people who find ways to survive as a writer. Especially people who write like you.

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Cox

I feel your exhaustion and your optimism. Keep going. Please. I see so much mediocre work in the world that when something lovely and good and warm lands, we all need more of it.

Writing is the heaviest weight I carry and the greatest joy. Seeing other authors making their way in the world helps all of us to put one word after another.

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You're doing what I've tried to do through 35 years and 35 books under several names. Find that alternative. I'm just starting here but you're showing it can be done. Top man. Keep going old son.

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Cox

I want ALL of your mom’s bookmarks etc. alas, I already have a yearly subscription. Well, not alas but I really don’t need two. Does she retail her work??? Does your dad? I aspire to ‘owning’ the whole family … in a manner of speaking. 💕

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Cox

I shall ask my bookshop why your books arnt there. It's a start...

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Oh good point. I'll check my local bookshop tomorrow

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My copy of Notebook made an excellent birthday present to my brother, especially as it was signed. Now, of course, I need another copy. Dammit.

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Your books & writing are fucking brilliant Tom, no doubt. I sent my original copy of Villager to a friend who loved 21st Century Yokel (also a gift from me lol) - since you sent me a shiny signed version with my annual subscription. Literally the best subscription I have right now. Congrats on your subscriber milestone, you deserve it!!!!

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You're a huge inspiration Tom. I mean it. You are the proof that the "fine, I'll do it myself" way is valid, and can work. I didn't get to reading Villager yet, but I'm looking forward to taking it on soon. Thanks for being yourself.

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Way to go Tom, I totally relate, best wishes to you for lots of readers, and congrats

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You have worked so hard and it is just lovely to see your success!

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1983! It’s on the way! I have Villager & Ring the Hill. I am also delighted that you kiss random cats. I don’t keep a lot of friends, but the two I keep know about your books and Notes.

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Sep 12Liked by Tom Cox

I’m in Vermont and have loved your postings so much I requested Notebook, which was right up my alley. You are totally on the right track in getting your books out there Johnny Appleseed style. I’ve been a fan of Unbound for many years and will now be listed (proudly!) in the back your next book. AND will be listening to Help the Witch in the mean time (I hope you’re reading it).

Would you consider doing a live zoom sometime to share new writings or a retrospective or something you wrote in primary school or a conversation with someone or just a conversation with your fans? Just saying, wouldn’t mind.

Thank you for staying tough and close to your vision. Melinda

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Ah, that’s so brilliant to hear. Thank you, Melinda. (Yes, I did the reading on HTW.) Good idea re the zoom. I’m a bit technologically inept but it’s something I’ve been wondering about…

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Sep 11Liked by Tom Cox

You are just too lovely, I could squeeze you!

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