“It is possible that we own a number of these that is excessive for our needs,” she thought. 😂

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I pretty much came here for this line too. So good 😂

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Such a wonderful writer Tom, love your writing and wit... as an Art Therapist this really resonated with me exploring an image with imagination, just wonderful. especially liked-

''All I wanted was a cat I could love and who would love me unconditionally back. I stole a cat and it was not the right cat for the job, that's just the way it is, and soon I will drive the cat back to its original home under the cover of darkness, and set it free.”

hahaha brilliant

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Link clicked. Pre-order ordered. Aren’t Blackwells superb! Up yours Jeff Bezos!

Back to crocheting that book jacket to fill up my time waiting for 1983! … that sounds a little ‘back to the future’ when written like that.

Perhaps, I can also pick up this seasons (summer 1982) habitat catalogue.

- Smiles wistfully at sleeping dog whilst sipping on coffee and picking out extortionately priced Tibetan-throw-cushion-magazine-rack cup-holders.

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Can't tell you how good it is to find another person marked by the Habitat catalogue. I love this use of it. I was obsessed with our single copy (c1983? - whenever it all went modular and primary coloured). I used it to draw up detailed plans, swapping out the horsehair settee for metal folding chairs in Aunty L's prefab and Aunty F's tiny cottage where she kept ham hock in the bathtub. We only had a couple of things from Habitat itself- an orange duvet cover and two brown gingham chairs - but my dad got all the Conran design books. I didn't see taramasalata till I was 17 but I'd seen things in The Bed and Bath Book that were thrilling and, frankly, quite disturbing to a Salvation Army child from the suburbs.

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Love love love this! So funny and so creative!

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A great post and a great idea. Inspirational. I shall have to have a go at something like that.

I particularly liked the ghost story.

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Thanks Mike!

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"This is not my house..." BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Those are great! A juiced up J. Peterman catalogue!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Tom Cox

I'm sure those were the thoughts running through the models' minds. My mother worked in the original Habitat for a bit and demoed bouncing the new hobnail-bottomed glasses off the floor to the amazement of the in-crowd.

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You read my mind about the Cushy Left Hand Arm Unit. Also, the name of this? Cushy Left Hand Arm Unit, really?

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The Habitat catalogues make brilliant writing prompts!

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I think this might just trump the Ladybird syrupy gingerbread monstrosity tales.

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Lol it’s ages since I’ve seen a Habitat catalogue and I’d forgotten how staged the pictures were 🤣

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Jun 20Liked by Tom Cox

Absolutely brilliant

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I love this Tom. When I was a child in the late 70s there was a large Habitat discount store in Wythenshawe on the outskirts of Manchester. It was an incongruous place to put it in some ways, perfectly fitting in others. Close to Ringway airport (now Mcr) it felt very modern/futuristic. I loved going there with my parents and there was the bonus of a very mid century modern playground too. Brilliant idea for a post.

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If Anita knows what’s good for her, she’ll hightail it out of that office.

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